Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm sitting here watching Jared do his math homework-- He works really hard with school, basketball and Golden Spike Landscaping, what a great guy :) I kinda like him.. I still don't have a job- it's getting really frustrating, but something will come up eventually we hope. We go to Alaska in a couple of weeks and we are so excited! Jared is just trying to finish his school up (with a lot of help from me) before we go. It's coming so quick. We went to flaming gorge for the 4th of July and did a whole LOT of fishing. Josh and Jared did most of the catching on the little troller thing, and Danni and I would real them in. I'm not good at fishing, I have no idea what I'll do in Alaska... plus it freaks me out to touch them- Jared slapped me in the face with a fish, and I cried- he says, "It flipped it's fin, I didn't slap you!" but.. he slapped me and I cried.. thats how scared I am of fish.. they make me cry. Oh well, these Quayle people put me on all sorts of adventures, and as Ken says, "I'm un-American" so hopefully that will change soon. I'll be a fishing, camping Quayle.


Anonymous said...

hello! I think your blog is very cool. You did a good job creating it. You guys are so cute!!
You aren't unamerican, you are just a city slicker.
Miss you,

Jayson and Kassi Madson said...

haha oh man you poor girl, you'll get used to us Quayle's sooner or later. I still jump when fish wiggle in my hands, so don't worry. But before you know it you'll be guttin and cleanin them! (that took me a long time to get the courage to do) I'm still so jealous you guys are all going to Alaska!! Have so much fun! I'm so happy you started a blog too! make sure and add us to yours!

Anonymous said...

Lindsey i agree you are unamerican. I never thought you were even human til a couple of weeks ago. I'm going to come visit soon though just for pity since you sit home all day. :) I miss you but don't tell anyone. HAha i love you!
Your favorite sista, ashley.