Monday, July 14, 2008

Our fun filled weekend!

What a weekend! Jared and I hung out all Friday night up here in Logan, we went and hit a bucket of balls, went to Willow Park Zoo (Jared's favorite place to visit), went to Chili's and then went to see Get Smart. We absolutely loved that movie, I laughed so hard my stomach hurt and I really want to go see it again! It was way funny. On Saturday we went golfing with Maurine and Kody, Jared won. I actually hit the ball really good for the first time ever... But on the other 8 drives I did crappy as usual. Then.. we went to Perry and hung out. We went to Smith and Edwards- this was my third time entering into the madness of that store- and we bought our rain gear for Alaska- mine is size extra huge. When I was laughing at how big it was, Ken told me its not a fashion statement, which I guess translates to "you can look like you've gained 100 pounds in Alaska and no one will care." Jared and his brothers worked on the infamous duck pen- and even put up an electric fence to keep those darn raccoons out, hopefully it works. I hung out with Maurine and Tressa, it was pretty fun. We had a slumber party with Kody and Tressa at the Quayle's and luckily slept good despite the 'mice'. Haha... Yesterday we went to the Weber State fireworks, it was a blast. I successfully hit a couple in the head with a football because I can't catch, and Jared was using me as a target for the football... that crazy boy. The fireworks were amazing and we had a fabulous weekend! We love our families- they are so amazing! I'll post pictures later.. i forgot my camera cord.


Jayson and Kassi Madson said...

I keep checkin your blog to see if you get your pictures up....where are they?? haha jk. Have so much fun in Alaska! I told Tressa to make sure and put up lots of pictures on Facebook, you do the same!:) Thanks!

oldjandm said...

We enjoyed your blog. Keep it going, it's the only way we hear from you and what you're doing. Have fun in Alaska and catch lots of fish. Have Lindsey take the fish off the hook. We will be thinking about you.