Tuesday, September 7, 2010

No speak American video

The video I made didn't have words so here is the music video. Seriously on the radio all the time... all the time. :)

1 comment:

Grandpa Doug said...

Hi Lindsey.....Wow do I enjoy your blog entries. I can't believe we are able to share such a great adventure with you. Thank you for keeping us up-to-date with what's going on in Belgium. I really dig the pictures, especially the ones with you in them. I know what you mean about the American food. When Grandma Nola and I first went to Kauai, we couldn't even find a hamburger. Now they're all over the place. I couldn't play the video so have no idea why they don't speak Americano there. Are the locals friendly with you? I'm impressed that you can travel with your friend so well and see all of the sights. Thanks for sharing all that you experience with us. It's almost like being there. I'm hoping that Jan and I can travel to Belgium and see Jared play. Why not??????? We have timeshare possibilities within 80 miles of Leuvan, so we may plan a week there. Plus our friends are going to Holland to serve their second mission and want us to visit them too. Sooo, we'll see. I love you, dear Lindsey, especially for the woman you have grown up to be.
Grandpa Doug